Involvement Quiz

Want to make an impact?
Considering getting involved this year?
Take the next step with OSI!

The Office of Student Involvement is here to guide you!
Take the quiz below to find out how you can use your skills and passions to make a difference:

Which one are you?

  • Morning person
  • Moon
    Night person

Pick an area of interest:

  • medicine
    Medicine or Health
  • pr image
    Public Relations or Marketing
  • Social Science
  • brain and tools picture for stem
    STEM Fields
  • icon for the arts
    Arts & Humanities

Where are most of your classes held?

  • main campus icon
    Main campus
  • rosen icon
    Rosen Campus
  • ucfdowntown icon
    UCF Downtown
  • regional campus icon
    Connect Campuses

Which one are you?

  • Undergraduate Student
  • graduate icon
    Graduate Student

Which describes you?

  • doer
  • helper
  • thinker
  • creator
  • pursuader
  • organizer

Where do you thrive?

  • Library, lab, or office
  • outdoors
    The Great Outdoors
  • Being around others
  • onthego
    On the go

What would you like to do?

  • service
  • plan
    Event planning
  • fundraise
    Fundraising or philanthropy
  • train
    Training, research and/or development
  • entertain
    Entertainment industry
  • digital media
    Digital Media

Pick a hobby:

  • design
    Design and Illustration
  • music
    Music or podcasts
  • camera
    Videos or photography
  • Social media content
  • concerts
    Concerts, music festivals, or arts and crafts
  • club
    Being part of a club or learning new things
  • games
    Being outside, playing games, by the pool, or watching movies
  • give
    Giving back
  • traditions
    Being a part of campus traditions

What is your availability like?

  • weekly
  • Bi-weekly
  • monthly
  • semesterly
    1-2 weeks per semester
  • whenever you what baby

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