Hello! My name is Lily and I’m majoring in Information Technology and minoring in Cognitive Sciences. Technology is something I’ve always been drawn to, and I have a big interest in pursuing front-end development. Outside of work, I frequently draw and write, so I’m hoping I can incorporate some artistic qualities into my career.

Hello, my name is Cris, and I am majoring in Graphic Design here at UCF. I love incorporating illustrations into my work, taking inspiration from animation and comics. In the future, I hope to continue my career in design and can’t wait to see where it takes me.

Hey! My name is Paula and I am a sophomore majoring in architecture and minoring in both marketing and art history. I love everything art and design so graphic design has always been something I’ve enjoyed doing to delve deeper into my creativity.

Outside of my work I love reading, watching movies, traveling, and playing volleyball. In the future, I hope to combine all my passions and work in the architecture and CAD fields.