A knight at heart, Chantel Carter received her undergraduate degree in Public Administration from UCF. She then went on to obtain her master’s degree in Public Administration from Florida State University. As the Associate Director for the Office of Student Involvement, Chantel focuses on the areas of Outreach and Inclusion. She coordinates student outreach and support efforts for various non-traditional student populations. Chantel helps coordinate office assessment initiatives. Her unit within the office provides Connect Campus Outreach, Student Organization support, Marketing, and Communications. Chantel has experience in event planning/programming, marketing, diversity/inclusion education, training as well as student and staff development. She has conducted workshops and presentations on various topics.  Chantel has been working for UCF since 2002.


Shane Juntunen has been working in the Office of Student Involvement at UCF since 2003. Prior to working at UCF, he worked in Student Activities at Stetson University and The George Washington University. Shane hails from Fargo, North Dakota where he received his undergraduate degree in Psychology from North Dakota State University and then moved to the east coast to obtain his master’s degree in Education with a concentration in Counseling Psychology and College Student Personnel Administration at James Madison University.