To partner with VCE on an upcoming project, please sign up for a meeting with professional staff using this Calendly link. We would be happy to discuss what a partnership could look like!

Yes! Requests for classroom presentations can be sent to If a member of our team is available at the requested time, we will be more than happy to share these opportunities with your class/program.

That’s amazing news! To get more information about how to connect with community partners in the Orlando area and beyond, please reach out to our professional staff to set up a meeting using this Calendly link.

Students looking for a large quantity of pre-professional service hours have several options that can help them fulfill this requirement through VCE. Students can send inquiries to or come to our office! Our staff and students are excited to speak to any student looking for community engagement opportunities.

Professors who are interested in collaborating with VCE for any service requirements for their course can connect with the VCE team using this Calendly link. We will meet to get a better understanding of your expectations for your students’ experiences so that we can help fulfill that need successfully.