Want to join Student Organizations ? Be sure to log-in with your NID and NID password into KnightConnect. Here you will find information about all RSOs, upcoming events, and leadership opportunities to name a few. KnightConnect also has the ability to automatically build your involvement resume as you track leadership roles, service hours, and activities. Register a New RSO In order to create a new student organization, you must follow the steps and collect all the information to complete the application: It is required that any new student organization interested in establishing their own must have a KnightQuest Consultation with one of our consultants. Please see the following link for their availability: Calendly – KnightQuest Consultant (https://calendly.com/kortoutreach) At least 10 UCF student members with NID emails Organization President and at least 1 other officer UCF Staff Advisor (NOT REQUIRED, but HIGHLY ENCOURAGED) A Constitution (download here). Mission that is unique, and not a duplicate of an existing RSO External Affiliation documents (if applicable) -If they are a branch from an existing organization An organization name that does NOT include the University of Central Florida/UCF preceding the name of their RSO (ex. UCF Hiking Knights is not a valid name) RSO Agreement of Obligations -Must be signed by the Organization President and at least 1 other officer Signed Advisor Agreement Obligations (if applicable) Re-Register an Existing RSO Find your organization on KnightConnect Select the blue “Re-Register” button next to your organization’s name Be sure that the person who re-registers the organization will be the primary contact Ensure that all officers who you wish to be “Authorized Officers” have completed the Webcourse module to qualify Complete the re-registration packet and wait for approval May take up to two weeks to process Re-Registration Guidelines An organization is required to Re-Register within 10 days of elections or any other leadership change (including advisors) New officers must take and pass the RSO Quiz on Webcourses Failure to re-register within a year from the last re-registration will result in an organization being moved to “inactive” status. If an RSO is inactive for more than a year, they will be required to apply as a new student organization. Tax Exemption for RSOs RSOs are not automatically tax-exempt. RSOs are not an entity of the university, therefore they are not entitled to the university’s tax exemption status. To receive 501(c)3 organization status you must contact the IRS directly to apply. The Office of Student Involvement does not give official tax advice. < Back